International Lifestyle Studies

Lifestyle is all about the way in which people shape their lives. International Lifestyle Studies grant students insight into the lifestyles of various groups of people within our society. They use this knowledge to create new lifestyle concepts that enhance the quality of these people’s lives. The products and services designed by these students make people more energetic, healthier, more relaxed, happier or more confident. The focus lies on the following six industries: health, food, human movement, leisure, appearance and living. International Lifestyle Studies is officially registered as Bachelor of Lifestyle and leads to a Bachelor of Lifestyle degree.

Academic Program
This four-year bachelor program consists of a comprehensive, 2.5-year foundation phase, during which students learn all about the six lifestyle sectors. Each component entails a practical assignment related to its field of activity; either a trend report or a concept. Furthermore, they familiarize themselves with the four core activities of a Lifestyle professional. The final 1,5 years are dedicated to specialization in at least two lifestyle sectors. During their third year, our students pursue an internship in order to gain practical experience as a trend analyst or concept developer. In their fourth year, students pursue an internship that corresponds to their specialization.

Core responsibilities and courses
The core activities of a Lifestyle Professional are: analyzing trends, developing lifestyle concepts, realize products and services, and give advice and guidance. Our students attend the following courses: creating concepts, creative thinking, trend watching, target group knowledge: youth, marketing and communication, research, visual language, cool hunting, academic career guidance, English and Adobe Photoshop / Idesign / Illustrator.

International and practical
During their training, students take part in two internships that both last for twenty weeks. During the first (work experience) internship in the third year, lifestyle students gain practical experience as a trend analyst and concept developer. The second internship in the fourth year takes place within (one of) the two sectors the student is going to specialize in. The students are encouraged to complete at least one of these internships and/or their minor abroad. All through their education, students complete assignments within their future field of activity. During the second year, they develop and market a product at a lifestyle company in cooperation with fellow students. Furthermore, lifestyle students participate in international research under the guidance of trendwatcher Carl Rohde. Here, they seek out new concepts in cooperation with students from other countries. Courses are taught in Dutch. In the fourth year, students receive twenty weeks of training in English.

Lifestyle professionals analyze trends and develop marketable lifestyle concepts. They end up at departments such as marketing, innovation, research & development or new business within companies and organizations. There is also a growing number of agencies that use knowledge of trends and consumer needs in order to develop concepts for their customers. Lifestyle professionals can also opt for self-employment as a creative entrepreneur or concept developer.

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